Gulani Match Mafashoni x Sungani Ana Masweti a Khrisimasi


Bella Freud x Kate Moss juzi la Save the Children (pa Kate)

Matches Fashion akupatsa sweti ya Khrisimasi kusintha kwakukulu, ndipo akugwirizana ndi zitsanzo zazikulu ndi opanga pomwe akutero pazifukwa zazikulu. Ojambula Kate Moss, Poppy Delevingne, Karen Elsen, Dree Hemingway ndi Erin O'Connor adagwirizana ndi okonza mapulani a ku Britain Christopher Kane, Charlotte Olympia, Giles Deacon, Henry Holland ndi Bella Freud pazidutswa zochepa chabe za zovala izi.

Zogwirizana: Nyenyezi za Kate Moss mu Kampeni Yoyamba Yamtundu wa David Yurman

Giles Deacon x Erin O'Connor Save the Children sweater

Ndi 100% ya phindu lomwe likupita ku thumba la Save the Children aid, sikuti majuziwa ndi okongola, komanso angathandize kupulumutsa miyoyo. Onani zambiri zamapangidwe atchuthi pansipa ndikugula zosonkhanitsira pa

Henry Holland x Dree Hemingway Save the Children Sweater

Christopher Kane x Poppy Delevingne Sweti ya Save the Children

Charlotte Olympia x Karen Elson sweater ya Save the Children (pa Karen)

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