Saskia de Brauw Heats up the Gym for H&M Magazine Fall 2012, Lensed ndi Lachlan Bailey


Saskia de Brauw Heats up the Gym for H&M Magazine Fall 2012, Lensed ndi Lachlan Bailey

Tiyeni Tipeze Zakuthupi - Zovala zamasewera achigololo ndi zovala zamkati zimapatsa Saskia d Brauw mwayi wapamwamba pakulimbitsa thupi kwake kwa mkonzi wa Magazini ya H&M wopangidwa ndi Lachlan Bailey. Tsitsi lonyezimira la Saskia komanso thupi lopindika ndi chinsalu chabwino kwambiri cha ma stylist Clare Richardson's sultry ensembles. Kukongola kwachi Dutch kumapangitsa kuti masewera olimbitsa thupi aziwoneka opukutidwa ndi zida zokongola komanso zodzikongoletsera za mame. / Tsitsi lolemba Shon, Makeup lolemba Jeanine Lobell

Saskia de Brauw Heats up the Gym for H&M Magazine Fall 2012, Lensed ndi Lachlan Bailey

Saskia de Brauw Heats up the Gym for H&M Magazine Fall 2012, Lensed ndi Lachlan Bailey

Saskia de Brauw Heats up the Gym for H&M Magazine Fall 2012, Lensed ndi Lachlan Bailey

Saskia de Brauw Heats up the Gym for H&M Magazine Fall 2012, Lensed ndi Lachlan Bailey

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