Nkhani #684

Matilda Price wolemba Anna Palma mu "Hangin" wokhala ndi Zithunzi" wa Fashion Gone Rogue

Matilda Price wolemba Anna Palma mu "Hangin" wokhala ndi Zithunzi" wa Fashion Gone Rogue
Hangin 'ndi Icons - Pantchito yake yaposachedwa, wojambula zithunzi Anna Palma amatenga zithunzi zowuziridwa ndi mayina osaiwalika amakampani opanga...

Crystal Renn ndi Ieva Laguna Star mu Free People's Catalog ya April

Crystal Renn ndi Ieva Laguna Star mu Free People's Catalog ya April
Zokoma ngati Maswiti: Zithunzi za Billy KiddDolce Vita - Anthu a Ufulu amakumbatira nyengo ya masika ndi kabukhu kake ka Epulo kokhala ndi akonzi atatu...

Anais Pouliot ndi Andreea Diaconu Star mu Free People's Fairytale Inspired November Catalog

Anais Pouliot ndi Andreea Diaconu Star mu Free People's Fairytale Inspired November Catalog
Tchuthi cha Fairy - Panyengo yatchuthi, ogulitsa mafashoni a Free People adadzozedwa ndi nthano zongopeka zomwe zili ndi kabukhu ka Novembala kojambulidwa...

Anthu Aulere Amawona Cato Van Ee chifukwa cha buku lake la Harvest Moon Lookbook

Anthu Aulere Amawona Cato Van Ee chifukwa cha buku lake la Harvest Moon Lookbook
Mwezi Wokolola - Cato Van Ee akuwoneka wokonzeka kugwa m'buku latsopano la Free People's Harvest Moon lomwe limakhala ndi nthawi yophukira yowoneka...

Lena wolemba Anna Palma mu "Homage to Sophia" wa Fashion Gone Rogue

Lena wolemba Anna Palma mu "Homage to Sophia" wa Fashion Gone Rogue
Kulemekeza Sophia - Wowuziridwa ndi bomba waku Italy Sophia Loren, wojambula zithunzi Anna Palma akupereka nkhani ya zovala zamkati zotsekemera koma...

Kate wolemba Anna Palma mu "Kumverera Ukazi" kwa Mafashoni Gone Rogue

Kate wolemba Anna Palma mu "Kumverera Ukazi" kwa Mafashoni Gone Rogue
Kumverera Kwachikazi - Wojambula Anna Palma ndi stylist Katelyn Mooney agwirizana kuti apange nkhani yowoneka bwino kwambiri yachikazi yomwe ili ngati...

Gulu Laulere la Anthu la June Limakhala ndi Zodiac Fashion

Gulu Laulere la Anthu la June Limakhala ndi Zodiac Fashion
LibraOnetsani Chizindikiro - Buku la Free People's June la style lili ndi zithunzi zouziridwa ndi Zodiac zokhala ndi zitsanzo za Kirsty Macphail, Sissi...

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Models J Brand Denim Amayang'ana Shopbop Shoot

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Models J Brand Denim Amayang'ana Shopbop Shoot
J Brand Love Story -Zosintha zaposachedwa kuchokera ku Shopbop zimayika chidwi pa J. Brand denim pakugwa. Chitsanzo Dorothea Barth Jorgensen ali ndi...

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Wavala Chikopa cha Neiman Marcus Trendbook lolemba Wendy Hope

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Wavala Chikopa cha Neiman Marcus Trendbook lolemba Wendy Hope
Chikopa – Neiman Marcus ikuwonetsa njira zambiri zobvala zikopa za nyengo ya kugwa ndi zosintha zake zaposachedwa zamabuku. Chitsanzo cha Dorothea Barth...

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Anayimilira Dennis Golonka mu Un-titled Project #5

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Anayimilira Dennis Golonka mu Un-titled Project #5
M'badwo Wosalakwa - Poyang'ana nkhope zatsopano komanso osasamala, chitsanzo Dorothea Barth Jorgensen amakometsa masamba a Un-titled Project yaposachedwa...

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Models H&M's "Conscious Exclusive" Collection

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Models H&M's "Conscious Exclusive" Collection
Zokongola Zapadera - Dorothea Barth Jorgensen amatengera gulu latsopano la Conscious Exclusive la H&M lopangidwa kuchokera kuzinthu zokhazikika....

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Stars mu iPhone Snapped, Altewaisaome Spring 2013 Campaign

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Stars mu iPhone Snapped, Altewaisaome Spring 2013 Campaign
Kusintha kwa digito - Zolemba zaku Scandinavia Altewaisaome zimakumbatira ukadaulo wamakono ndi kampeni yake yakumapeto ya 2013 yokhala ndi Dorothea...