Yada Villaret Issue Magazine Dean Isidro Fashion Editorial


Yada Villaret Impresses in Black & White for Issue Magazine

Yada Villaret شماري ميگزين جي تازي ايڊيشن لاءِ ڪارو ۽ اڇي ۾ شاندار. پاران فوٽو ڪيل ڊان اسيدرو (اٽيلير مئنيجمينٽ)، هوء ٿلهي نظر اچي ٿي. پاران ترتيب ڏنل Seppe Tirabassi , Yada poses in a mix of lingerie inspired pieces, puffed shoulders and trench coats. brunette ڏسندڙ هڪ slicked واپس hairstyle wears by رياض آذر سان تارا پاگليارا ميڪ اپ تي.

Yada Villaret Impresses in Black & White for Issue Magazine

Yada Villaret Impresses in Black & White for Issue Magazine

Yada Villaret Impresses in Black & White for Issue Magazine

Yada Villaret Impresses in Black & White for Issue Magazine

Yada Villaret Impresses in Black & White for Issue Magazine

Yada Villaret Impresses in Black & White for Issue Magazine

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