Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6


Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6

دماغ جي حالت ۾ مشين گنر - Lurve Magazine جو تازو شمارو Jasmine Tooks کي ٽيپ ڪري ٿو ان جي ڪور ڪهاڻي لاءِ، گوٿڪ گر فيشن تي ڌيان ڏئي ٿو. Tetsuharu Kubota آمريڪي خوبصورتي کي گرين ڊيزائين ۾ قبضو ڪري ٿو Givenchy، Emilio Pucci، Azzedine Alaïa ۽ ٻيا جيڪي فيشن ايڊيٽر ۽ تخليقي ڊائريڪٽر ماهر جريدي پاران چونڊيل آهن. ميڪ اپ آرٽسٽ آيا ڪوماٽسو طرفان چهري جو رنگ ۽ ڪينشين اسانو جي سڪل وار ريگل انداز ۾ مڪمل طور تي جديد ٽچ آڻيندا آهن.

Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6

Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6

Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6

Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6

Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6

Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6

Jasmine Tooks Wears Dark Fall Fashions for the Cover Shoot of Lurve #6

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