Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld ۽ ٻيا چينل جي The Little Black Jacket Exhibition ۾


Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

انجا روبيڪ

ننڍي ڪاري جيڪٽ - چينل 8 نومبر 2012 تي پيرس ۾ گرانڊ پيلس ۾ لٹل بليڪ جيڪٽ جي نمائش جي افتتاحي تقريب ڪئي. نمائش ۾ ڪتاب مان 113 تصويرون ڏيکاريون ويون آهن، جنهن جو عنوان آهي، “The Little Black Jacket: A Classic Revisited by Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld”، جنهن ۾ مشهور شخصيتن کي نمايان چينل اسٽيپل ۾ شامل ڪيو ويو آهي. مهمانن ۾ شامل هئا ڊيفني گينيس، حيدر آڪرمن، چارلوٽ ڪيسيراغي، ليٽيٽيا ڪاسٽا، مائيوين، ڪيرين روٽفيلڊ، ڪيرولين ڊي ميگرٽ ۽ ماڊل ايملين ويلڊ، سيگرڊ اگين ۽ انجا روبڪ.

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

ايملين ويلڊ

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

ڪيرين روٽ فيلڊ

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

کيرولين ڊي ميگرٽ

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

شارلٽ ڪيسرگي

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

حيدر اڪرمان

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

ليٽيٽيا ڪاسٽا

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

للي ميڪنامي

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition


Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

Sigrid Agren

Anja Rubik, Laetitia Casta, Carine Roitfeld and others at Chanel's the Little Black Jacket Exhibition

Daphne Gunness ۽ حيدر Ackermann

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