Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book


Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

ٻيٽ بيبي - خوبصورت سوئي هو هوائي جي ڪونا ضلعي ڏانهن سفر ڪري ٿو مئي 2013 جي ڪتاب جي شماري لاءِ لگزري فيشن ريٽيلر نيمن مارڪس کان. چيني ماڊل اليسٽيئر ٽيلر-ينگ لاءِ تصويرن جي هڪ سيريز ۾ پوز ڪري ٿو جيڪي ڏيکارين ٿا بگ ٻيٽ جا پٿر وارا ساحل ۽ سائي ٽڪريون. سوئي ڪپڙن جي چشمن، چمڪندڙ زيورن ۽ رنگين لباسن جو ميلاپ پائيندو آهي، جنهن ۾ فيشن جي بهترين نالن مان ويلنٽينو، ايلڪسس بيٽر ۽ ڊيوڊ ميسٽر شامل آهن.

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

Sui He is An Island Beauty for Neiman Marcus' May 2013 Issue of the Book

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