Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires


Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

روشني واري خوبصورتي - اداڪاره زو سلڊانا، ماليبو ميگزين جي سيپٽمبر واري شماري کي ساراهيو، ڪارو ۽ اڇا ٽڪرن جي هڪ ٿلهي وارڊروب پائڻ. مارڪ اسڪوائرز زوئي کي هالي ووڊ، ڪيليفورنيا ۾ تصويرون ڪڍيون، پيٽررا فلنري پاران ترتيب ڏنل شاندار لباس ۾، جنهن ۾ اليگزينڊر ميڪوئن، ايميليو پڪي، ايرس، چينل ۽ ٻين جي ڊيزائن شامل آهن.

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

Zoe Saldana Smolders in the September Cover Story of Malibu Magazine by Mark Squires

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