Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye


Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

The Spiffy Fifties - فوٽوگرافر اينڊريو يو ائٽليئر مئنيجمينٽ جو فيشن ماڊل سامنٿا گراڊويل کي پڪڙي ٿو تازو ايڊيشن ۾ ڪيئن خرچ ڪيو اهو ميگزين. 1950 جي ڏهاڪي کي چينل ڪندي، سنهري بيب ڊانز ريٽرو-اثر ٿيل ڊزائينز چونڊيل اسٽائلسٽ ڊيميان فاڪس پاران پرادا، ڊولس ۽ گبانا ۽ ڊائر جي ڪم کي ٻين جي وچ ۾ ڏيکاريل آهي. / ميڪ اپ نيوس ريڊلس پاران، وار شيلومي مور پاران

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

Samantha Gradoville Dons 1950s Style for How To Spend It by Andrew Ye

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