Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat


Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Pomlad šestdesetih – Kreativni direktor Paule Ka Serge Cajfinger znova išče navdih v šestdeseta leta prejšnjega stoletja s kolekcijo založbe za pomlad 2013, ki se sprehaja po meji med pariškim šikom in ameriškim eskapizmom. Odprt z mehkim izborom videza slonovine, ki spominja na elegantne dame Palm Beacha, lahka vrhnja oblačila in natikači za spodnje perilo so postavili oder za novo sezono. Aranžmaju dodajajo grafične potiske izvezene s kristali, klok organzo, nojevim likom in čipkastim gipurjem. Paule Ka uvaja tudi preobrat v klasično moško srajco; videti kot podolgovata obleka ali slip oblika.

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

Paule Ka's Spring 2013 Collection Walks to a Sixties Beat

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