Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes


Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

New York Recall – Teden mode je morda konec, vendar imamo še vedno slike iz zakulisja, ki se jih lahko veselimo ta teden. Fotografinja Nicole Anne Robbins razkriva svoje odkrite podobe Marte Ortiz, ko je imela svojo prvo sezono v New Yorku z nastopi pri J. Crew, Tracy Reese in Rebecca Minkoff. Robbinsove slike razkrivajo, da je življenje modela glamurozno, a živahno! / Več slik Marte iz zakulisja si oglejte tukaj.

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

Marta Ortiz Nicole Anne Robbins - Behind the Scenes

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