Gucci Iyo Ritual Fall 2020 Campaign


Amanda Ljunggren nyeredzi muGucci Iyo Ritual inodonha 2020 mushandirapamwe.

Munguva yekuvharirwa, mhando dzemafashoni dzinofanirwa kutarisa kune dzimwe nzira dzekugadzira kugadzira zvemukati. Gucci inonyora mamodheru kuti agadzire ega mapikicha ayo edhijitari yekudonha 2020 mushandirapamwe unonzi: The Ritual. Models Amanda Ljunggren, Mae Lapres, Vaquel Tyies, Josefine Gronvald, Delphi McNicol, naLawrence Perry vanotora mapikicha ega ane madhizaini emigwagwa. Kubva pakurima gadheni kusvika pakurukwa, vanokandwa vanobatanidza zviitiko zvemazuva ese nefashoni yepamusoro.

"Ndinorega mamodheru achigadzira yavo mifananidzo. Kuita sevatori vemifananidzo uye vatauri vengano, vagadziri uye vanogadzira zvimiro. Ndakavakumbira kuti vamiririre pfungwa yavanayo pamusoro pavo. Kubuda nawo pachena, kuumba nhetembo dzinodziperekedza. Ndakavakurudzira kutamba, kuvandudza nehupenyu hwavo, "anodaro director director Alessandro Michele.

Gucci 'The Ritual' Fall 2020 Campaign

Mae Lapres ane nyeredzi muGucci Iyo Ritual inodonha 2020 mushandirapamwe.

Vaquel Tyies pamberi Gucci Iyo Ritual inodonha 2020 mushandirapamwe.

Josefine Gronvald anoruka muGucci Iyo Ritual inodonha 2020 mushandirapamwe.

Delphi McNicol naLawrence Perry pamberi peGucci Iyo Ritual inodonha 2020 mushandirapamwe.

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“I let the models build their own images. To act as photographers and storytellers, producers and scenographers. I asked them to represent the idea they have of themselves. To go public with it, shaping the poetry that accompanies them. I encouraged them to play, improvising with their life,” @alessandro_michele allowed beauty to shine through from the ordinary for the #GucciTheRitual campaign. #AlessandroMichele #GucciFW20 #GucciCommunity Music: ‘Alright’ by Supergrass. Writers: Gareth Coombes, Daniel Goffey, Michael Quinn © 1995 EMI Music Publishing Italia Srl on behalf of EMI Music Publishing LTD (P) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company (copyright) Courtesy of BMG Rights Management (Italy) srl

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