Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics


Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

Vadivelu Comedy Hot Shots - Tarisa uone aya mafoto anopisa evhiki kubva ku Instagram ane mamwe emhando dzedu dzatinoda. Ne2013 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show iri kuitika kutanga kwesvondo rino muNew York, vasikana vazhinji vakagovana mapfuti ekumashure kubva kuratidziro yaitarisirwa zvikuru. Kubva kuna Izabel Goulart kuenda kuCara Delevingne kuenda kuBar Refaeli, tarisa inotonhorera Instagram shots yevhiki pazasi.

Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

Instagram Photos of the Vhiki | Cara Delevingne, Izabel Goulart + More Model Pics

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