Dior Makeup Holiday 2020 Campaign


Ruth Bell ane nyeredzi muDior Makeup Holiday 2020 mushandirapamwe.

Dior Makeup inosimudzira kupenya chinhu kune yayo Horidhe 2020 mushandirapamwe. Ane chiso chemhando, Ruth Bell, anotungamira mifananidzo yeiyo cosmetic brand ine shoma-edition yeGoridhe Nights muunganidzwa. Mune imwe pfuti, iyo modhi inopfeka tsvuku lipstick inotaridzika ine simbi yemeso eshadow. Mumwe mufananidzo unoratidza Ruth akapfeka muromo wakanyanya kusarerekera une utsi hwemaziso pamwe nematama ane manyawi. Creative & Image Director weDior Makeup Peter Philips akashanda pane shanu-mavara eyeshadow palette, chipikiri lacquer, uye lipstick. Vanopfeka makeup vanogonawo kunakidzwa nezororo reRouge Dior Couture Collection, chando chechando chakavezwa seti ye6 lippies mune matte uye satin kupera.

"Golden Nights inoshandura maitiro ezororo," anodaro Peter Philips. "Ini ndakafunga nezve nhema negoridhe, hongu, asiwo nezvezvinhu zvinoonekwa zvinomutsa mwaka uno unofara, pamwe nemazaya echando, mumutambo wemakristasi emhemberero uye chic."

Dior Makeup Holiday 2020 Campaign

Dior inofumura kuunganidzwa kweHoridhe Makeup--Golden Nights.

Ruth Bell anowana padyo naye muDior Makeup Holiday 2020 mushandirapamwe.

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Mix and match magical shades of black and gold with dazzling, frosted effects for an intense makeup look that celebrates a sparkling, sophisticated femininity. Makeup by @peterphilipsmakeup, Creative & Image Director of Dior Makeup, on model @ruthnotmay. • DIOR FOREVER 1N ROUGE BLUSH GOLDEN NIGHTS 353 Rose Frisson FOREVER CUSHION POWDER 001 Golden Night 5 COULEURS GOLDEN NIGHTS 549 Golden Snow 5 COULEURS GOLDEN NIGHTS 089 Black Night DIORSHOW 24H STYLO 640 Satiny Gold DIORSHOW 24H STYLO 040 Sparkling Black DIORSHOW ICONIC OVERCURL 090 Black DIORSHOW BROW STYLER 001 Universal Brown DIORIFIC LIPSTICK 072 Shimmery Red DIORIFIC LIPSTICK 070 Dazzling Beige DIORIFIC VERNIS 767 Red Wonders DIORIFIC VERNIS 997 Dark Nights • #DiorHoliday #diormakeup #DreamInDior #diorforever #diorshow #diorific

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