'The Blonde Belles' Nyeredzi muSteve Madden's Fall 2013 Trendbook


'The Blonde Belles' Nyeredzi muSteve Madden's Fall 2013 Trendbook

Blonde Bombshells - Mienzaniso Tessa naKalli nyeredzi sevamwarikadzi vedombo vengano The Blonde Belles mubhuku razvino raSteve Madden. Muhembe dzakapfekwa dzedenim, bhutsu dzemudhudhudhu, uye zvitsitsinho zvakakwirira zvinoyevedza, mamodheru acho anoratidza mweya werock. Stylist Khalym Schell akabatanidza musikana wavo akaomarara anotaridzika neshangu uye zvimwe zvishongedzo kubva muunganidzwa waSteve Madden wekudonha 2013. Marley Kate akatora The Blonde Belles akarembera kumashure, achizorora mubhazi ravo rekushanya, uye achiona zvinotaridzika sezvavaiyambuka nyika. / Bvudzi naPeter Matteliano, Makeup naRika Shmiada

'The Blonde Belles' Nyeredzi muSteve Madden's Fall 2013 Trendbook

'The Blonde Belles' Nyeredzi muSteve Madden's Fall 2013 Trendbook

'The Blonde Belles' Nyeredzi muSteve Madden's Fall 2013 Trendbook

'The Blonde Belles' Nyeredzi muSteve Madden's Fall 2013 Trendbook

'The Blonde Belles' Nyeredzi muSteve Madden's Fall 2013 Trendbook

'The Blonde Belles' Nyeredzi muSteve Madden's Fall 2013 Trendbook

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