Exclusive: Merethe Hopland naConnor Langford mu "The Look"


Merethe Hopland akatorwa mifananidzo naConnor Langford

Merethe Hopland inoshongedza mapeji edu mune itsva yakasarudzika yakatorwa naConnor Langford. Kumira padenga remba, iyo yekuNorway modhi inopfeka chic musanganiswa wemadhirezi uye inoparadzanisa. Stylist Nicole Adolphe zvidimbu pamwe chete yakasarudzika wadhi ine madhizaini eReiss. Misha, Sir the Label uye nezvimwe. Nekuda kwerunako, Helen Samaryan anogadzira masaisai ake akatenderedzwa uye kutaridzika kwakanaka.

FGR Exclusive: Merethe Hopland naConnor Langford

Ginger & Smart Jumpsuit uye Shangu, Shongedza Mhete

Wanderlust + Co Necklace uye Cuffs, Talulah Polka Dot Chipfeko uye Senso Bhutsu

Misha Bodysuit, Talulah Skirt, Ginger & Smart Shoes, Wanderlust & Co. Cuffs

C/Meo Collective White Dress, Sir the Label Leather Jacket, Bag Alexander Wang

Ginger & Smart White Dress

Reiss Black Blazer, Manning Cartell Jumpsuit, Wanderlust + Co Necklace

Ginger & Smart White Dress uye Shangu

Misha Bodysuit, Talulah Skirt, Wanderlust & Co. Cuffs

Mutori wemifananidzo: Connor Langford

Stylist: Nicole Adolphe

Bvudzi uye Makeup: Helen Samaryan

Muenzaniso: Merethe Hopland @ Viviens

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