Abbey Lee Kershaw naBen Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine


Abbey Lee Kershaw naBen Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Stylist Lucy Ewing anodhonza mamwe echitubu akanyanya kushinga mapatani uye anodhinda eyebutiro pfuti yeThe Sunday Times UK Style Magazine. Akabatwa naBen Hassett pakatarisana neyakaomesesa kumashure, Abbey Lee Kershaw anopenya muwadhiropu ine mavara ine basa kubva kuna Alexander McQueen, Versace naPrada.

Abbey Lee Kershaw naBen Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw naBen Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw naBen Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw naBen Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

Abbey Lee Kershaw naBen Hassett | The Sunday Times UK Style Magazine

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