The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans


The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans

Mackenzie Hamilton, anodiwa neChinese Vogue, anotora kupenya kwegoridhe kune iyo magazini ichangoburwa runako rwekuwedzera. Camilla Akrans anomutora akapfeka goridhe zvipikiri, eyelashes uye zvishongedzo zvinonyatsoenderana nezita rekuti, "The Rays of the Sun".

The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans

The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans

The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans

The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans

The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans

The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans

The Rays of the Sun naCamilla Akrans

source | kazaf @ tfs

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