Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013


Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

Mukati meBlue - Grazia India inogadzira pfuti yayo yekutanga yekuvhara yepasi pemvura yechinyorwa chayo chaKurume inoratidzira wadhi yebhuruu hues uye inopenya ruzivo yakatorwa naColston Julian. Mutevedzeri Angela Jonsson anonyura mukati mekupfeka kwebhuruu anotaridzika akanyorwa neFashoni Director Ekta Rajani; inoratidzira magadzirirwo emhando dzemafashoni eIndia akadai saRitesh Kumar, Alpana Neeraj naUrvashi Kaur. / Bvudzi uye makeup naBianca Hartkopf

Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

Angela Jonsson Anoenda 'Into the Blue' yeGrazia India Kurume 2013

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