Zvinyorwa #936

Krystal Glynn naDavid K. Shields yeFashion Gone Rogue

Krystal Glynn naDavid K. Shields yeFashion Gone Rogue
Oneirism - Kuenda kumapako uye murenje reBlue Mountains, Australia, Krystal Glynn anotamba muroti wechidiki muDavid K. Shields mafoto akazara-akazara...

Phoebe Tonkin naZanita Morgan mu "Phoebe Takes LA" yeFashion Gone Rogue

Phoebe Tonkin naZanita Morgan mu "Phoebe Takes LA" yeFashion Gone Rogue
Phoebe Anotora LA -Mutori wemifananidzo Zanita Morgan uye stylist Rachel Zeilic vanobatana kune imwe pfuti ine mutambi weAustralia Phoebe Tonkin. "The...

Jordan Murray naZanita Morgan mu "Zera Rekusava Nemhosva" yeFashoni Yaenda Rogue

Jordan Murray naZanita Morgan mu "Zera Rekusava Nemhosva" yeFashoni Yaenda Rogue
Nguva Yekusava Nemhosva - Zanita Morgan anotora iyi mifananidzo inoshamisa ine nyeredzi Jordan Murray yeFGR ichangoburwa yakasarudzika. Achifemerwa...

Jennifer Gilmore naZanita Morgan weFashion Gone Rogue

Jennifer Gilmore naZanita Morgan weFashion Gone Rogue
Teen Beat - Jennifer Gilmore mudiki ari padhuze neZanita Morgan mifananidzo yakajairwa yakatorwa yeFGR ichangoburwa nyaya yakasarudzika. Yakashongedzwa...

Rachel Rutt naSeon Model Anotapira Mafashoni eHarper's Bazaar China naShxpir

Rachel Rutt naSeon Model Anotapira Mafashoni eHarper's Bazaar China naShxpir
Kupisa nekutonhora - Rachel Rutt naSeon vane hangout yefashoni pamberi peaizikirimu rori yeEdition yaApril yeHarper's Bazaar China. Yakatorwa mifananidzo...

Rachel Rutt naStella Maxwell Endai Mumugwagwa weUrban Outfitters 'Mutambo Wekutarisa bhuku

Rachel Rutt naStella Maxwell Endai Mumugwagwa weUrban Outfitters 'Mutambo Wekutarisa bhuku
Munzira - Nemitambo yemimhanzi yakadai saCoachella iri kuuya, Urban Outfitters inopa sarudzo yenzira yekufamba rwendo nebhuku idzva rine nyeredzi Rachel...

Rachel Rutt naAdrian Mesko weRemix

Rachel Rutt naAdrian Mesko weRemix
Rachel Rutt anomiririra lenzi yaAdrian Mesko mune yazvino chinyorwa cheRemix Magazine. Kupfeka musanganiswa wemapeteni uye maprints, iyo yekuzvarwa...

Rosie Tupper Anomira paAustralia Bondi Beach yeElle Vietnam Chikumi 2013

Rosie Tupper Anomira paAustralia Bondi Beach yeElle Vietnam Chikumi 2013
PaBondi Beach -Akaitwa nemutorwa wemifananidzo Matthew Ryder, wekuAustralia fashoni modhi Rosie Tupper anogara paAustralia Bondi Beach yeChikumi 2013...

Rosie Tupper naAndreas Sjodin weElle Sweden Chivabvu 2011

Rosie Tupper naAndreas Sjodin weElle Sweden Chivabvu 2011
Kurota kweChirimo - Chinyorwa chaMay cheElle Sweden chinotiratidza hati hombe dzadzoka nemupepeti wefashoni Lisa Lindqwister's romantic picks with starring...

FGR Exclusive | Chloe Lecareux naSteven Chee mu "Baby You Can Drive My Car"

FGR Exclusive | Chloe Lecareux naSteven Chee mu "Baby You Can Drive My Car"
Mwana Unogona Kutyaira Mota Yangu -Mukadzi akanaka uye mota inokurumidza. Mubatanidzwa wekuhwina wanga uripo kwemakumi emakore, uye dingindira redu...

RUBY Anowana Tomboy Chic yeFall 2014 Campaign naSteven Chee

RUBY Anowana Tomboy Chic yeFall 2014 Campaign naSteven Chee
Sravana Sameeralu Serial 4th Tomboy Style -New Zealand brand RUBY inotanga mushandirapamwe wayo wekudonha-muchando 2014 ine muunganidzwa wayo mutsva...

Isabelle S ndiye Sporty Glam weShop Australia Shoot naSteven Chee

Isabelle S ndiye Sporty Glam weShop Australia Shoot naSteven Chee
Kutamba Munda - Nyaya yazvino yeShop Australia inoisa chitarisiko chekupfeka kwemitambo nerugby-themed shooting inoratidzira Isabelle S. The blonde...