Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans


Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans

Mackenzie Hamilton, oo ah kan ugu jecel Shiinaha Vogue, wuxuu qaataa dhalaal dahabi ah oo loogu talagalay kabka quruxda ugu dambeeyay ee joornaalka. Camilla Akrans ayaa sawirtay iyada oo xidhan cidiyaha dahabiga ah, indho-shareeraha iyo agabka si fiican ugu habboon ciwaanka, "The Rays of the Sun".

Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans

Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans

Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans

Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans

Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans

Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans

Rays of the Sun by Camilla Akrans

xigasho | kazaf @ tfs

Akhri wax dheeraad ah