Karlie Kloss Stars ho The Sunday Times Style September 2012 ka Eric Guillemain


Karlie Kloss Stars ho The Sunday Times Style September 2012 ka Eric Guillemain

Karlie - Ho keteka lilemo tse leshome tsa phatlalatso, tokollo ea la 23 Loetse ea The Sunday Times Style e tlanya Karlie Kloss bakeng sa e 'ngoe ea letlobo la likoahelo tse leshome. Eric Guillemain (2b Management) o hapa botle ba Amerika ka ponahalo e fokolang e tsoang ho pokello ea hoetla ea Dior Haute Couture litšoantšong tse boreleli, tsa studio. / Moriri oa Michal Bielecki, Makeup ka Tiina Roivainem

Karlie Kloss Stars ho The Sunday Times Style September 2012 ka Eric Guillemain

Karlie Kloss Stars ho The Sunday Times Style September 2012 ka Eric Guillemain

Karlie Kloss Stars ho The Sunday Times Style September 2012 ka Eric Guillemain

Karlie Kloss Stars ho The Sunday Times Style September 2012 ka Eric Guillemain

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