Lipontšo tsa lifilimi tsa "The Huntsman: Winter's Wars" (2016)


Huntsman: Winter's War e lokolla li-poster tse ncha tsa lifilimi

Selelekela sa "Snow White and The Huntsman", "The Huntsman: Winter's War" se soma tokollo ea eona ea 2016 ka li-poster tse ncha tse nang le libapali tsa filimi. Batšoantšisi Charlize Theron le Chris Hemsworth ba khutla e le The Evil Queen le The Huntsman ha Emily Blunt le Jessica Chastain ba kena sehlopheng sa The Ice Queen le The Warrior. Hlokomela 'The Huntsman' ka la 22 Mmesa 2016.

Kakaretso ea semolao ea filimi e baleha tjena: “Nako e telele pele Mofumahali Ravenna (Theron) ea khopo a ne a nahanoa hore o hlōtsoe ke lehare la Snow White, o ile a shebella a khutsitse ha khaitseli ea hae, Freya (Blunt), a e-ba le bolotsana bo otlang pelo ’me a baleha ’muso oa bona. Ka bokhoni ba Freya ba ho homisa sera leha e le sefe, mofumahali e monyenyane oa leqhoa o qetile lilemo tse mashome a le ntlong ea borena e hole ea mariha a phahamisa sehlopha sa litsomi tse bolaeang - ho kenyeletsoa Eric (Hemsworth) le mohlabani Sara (Chastain) - hafeela a fumana hore ba babeli ba hae ba theko e boima ba hanne tlhoko e le 'ngoe ea hae. : thatafatsa dipelo tsa lona ka ho sa feleng ho rata.”

"Ha Freya a utloa ka lefu la khaitseli ea hae, o bitsa masole a hae a setseng ho tlisa Magic Mirror lapeng ho moloi a le mong ea setseng ea ka sebelisang matla a eona. Empa hang ha a fumana hore Ravenna e ka tsosoa botebong ba eona ba khauta, baralib'abo rōna ba khopo ba sokela naha ena e monate ka makhetlo a mabeli a matla ka ho fetesisa a kileng a bonoa. Joale, lebotho la bona le ipokeletseng le ke ke la hlōloa… ntle le haeba litsomi tse lelekiloeng tse tlotseng puso ea mofumahali oa tsona li ka loantšana ho khutlela ho e mong. ”

Emily Blunt joalo ka Mofumahali oa Leqhoa

Charlize Theron e le Mofumahali ea Bobe

Jessica Chastain e le Mohlabani

Chris Hemsworth joalo ka The Huntsman

Bala Haholoanyane