Dior Cruise Resort 2017 Runway Show


Mohlala o tsamaea ka lebaleng la pontšo ea Dior's cruise 2017 a apere seaparo se hatisitsoeng sa silika crepe

Dior's cruise 2017 show e ile ea etela Palace ea Bienheim e Engelane bakeng sa ponahalo e fapaneng e ileng ea koala lekhalo lipakeng tsa setaele sa Parisian le Senyesemane. Ntlo ea feshene, e ntse e se na mookameli oa pōpo ho tloha ha Raf Simons a tloha selemong se fetileng, e entsoe ke sehlopha sa pōpo sa Dior se nang le Lucie Meier le Serge Ruffieux hloohong. Sehlopha se ne se tsepamisitse maikutlo holim'a baki ea setšoantšo sa Dior bar, e kopantsoeng ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo lethekeng 'me hape "e qhekelletse" e le seaparo se senyenyane holim'a marikhoe a malelele.

Ntlo e ne e boetse e amohela litšoantšo le lipaterone tsa tropike tse nang le tšusumetso ea Asia le Afrika hammoho le lijase tse bululetsoeng ke lipere. Ntho e 'ngoe e neng e tsepamisitsoe lenaneong e ne e le ho lahleloa ha Bella Hadid, ea ileng a ea ntlong ea feshene ea Parisian ka lekhetlo la pele ka mor'a ho bitsoa moemeli oa Dior Makeup pejana letsatsing leo.

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Moetso o tsamaea tseleng ea sefofane pontšong ea Dior's cruise 2017 a apere mose oa ecru o lohiloeng ka top le skirt

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Moetso o tsamaea tseleng ea lifofane pontšong ea Dior's cruise 2017 a apere top e lohiloeng ea sejalo le skirt e bolelele bo bohareng.

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Dior's Cruise 2017 Show Journeys to England

Bala Haholoanyane