Kampanye Gucci The Ritual Fall 2020


Béntang Amanda Ljunggren dina kampanye Gucci The Ritual gugur 2020.

Dina waktos karantina, merek busana kedah milarian cara kreatif anu sanés pikeun ngahasilkeun kontén. Gucci ngadaptarkeun modél pikeun nyiptakeun potret diri pikeun kampanye usum gugur digital 2020 anu disebut: The Ritual. Model Amanda Ljunggren, Mae Lapres, Vaquel Tyies, Josefine Gronvald, Delphi McNicol, sareng Lawrence Perry nyandak potret diri anu nampilkeun desain landasan. Ti ngebon nepi ka nyulam, nu matak pasangan kagiatan sapopoé kalayan fashion tinggi.

"Kuring ngantepkeun modél ngawangun gambar sorangan. Pikeun meta salaku fotografer sareng juru dongéng, produser sareng scenographers. Kuring nanya ka aranjeunna pikeun ngagambarkeun ide anu aranjeunna gaduh ngeunaan diri. Pikeun go public jeung eta, shaping puisi nu accompanies aranjeunna. Kuring ajak aranjeunna maén, improvisasi sareng kahirupan maranéhanana, "saur sutradara kreatif Alessandro Michele.

Kampanye Gucci 'The Ritual' Gugur 2020

Béntang Mae Lapres dina kampanye Gucci The Ritual gugur 2020.

Vaquel Tyies payuneun kampanye Gucci The Ritual gugur 2020.

Josefine Gronvald ngarajut dina kampanye Gucci The Ritual gugur 2020.

Delphi McNicol sareng Lawrence Perry payuneun kampanye Gucci The Ritual gugur 2020.

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“I let the models build their own images. To act as photographers and storytellers, producers and scenographers. I asked them to represent the idea they have of themselves. To go public with it, shaping the poetry that accompanies them. I encouraged them to play, improvising with their life,” @alessandro_michele allowed beauty to shine through from the ordinary for the #GucciTheRitual campaign. #AlessandroMichele #GucciFW20 #GucciCommunity Music: ‘Alright’ by Supergrass. Writers: Gareth Coombes, Daniel Goffey, Michael Quinn © 1995 EMI Music Publishing Italia Srl on behalf of EMI Music Publishing LTD (P) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company (copyright) Courtesy of BMG Rights Management (Italy) srl

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