Awak ku Victoria, Victoria urang Rusiah 2017 Kampanye + komérsial


Stella Maxwell, Martha Hunt, Lais Ribeiro, Josephine Skriver, Jasmine Tookes sareng béntang Taylor Hill dina Awak ku Victoria, kampanye Victoria's Secret 2017

Rahasia Victoria janten panas pikeun kampanye Awak panganyarna ku Victoria. Merek lingerie ngetok genep Malaikat na pikeun nembak studio. Modél Stella Maxwell , Jasmine Tookes, Martha Hunt, Lais Ribeiro , Josephine Skriver jeung Taylor Hill muncul dina snaps. The Body range sorotan tilu gaya anyar kaasup The Unlined Demi, The Lined Demi jeung The Perfect Shape bra. Katresna kasampak kawas bombshells serius dina kampanye jeung komérsial diulas di handap!

Awak ku Victoria, Victoria urang Rusiah 2017 Kampanye

Lais Ribeiro sareng Jasmine Tookes modél Awak ku Victoria Lightly Lined Demi & Perfect Shape Full Coverage Bra

Jasmine Tookes fronts Awak ku Victoria, Victoria urang Rusiah 2017 kampanye

Josephine Skriver ngagem Awak ku Victoria, Victoria's Secret Unlined Demi Bra

béntang Taylor Hill dina Awak ku Victoria, Victoria urang Rusiah 2017 kampanye

Jasmine Tookes ngagem Awak ku Victoria, Victoria's Secret Shape Perfect Shape Full Coverage Bra

Gambar tina Body by Victoria, Victoria's Secret 2017 kampanye sareng Jasmine Tookes

Martha Hunt jeung Jasmine Tookes pasang aksi pikeun Awak ku Victoria, Victoria urang Rusiah 2017 kampanye

Lais Ribeiro pose dina Victoria's Secret Dream Angels Demi Bra sareng Panty anu cocog

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