Kate Hudson, Uma Thurman, Clemence Poesy di Michael Kors 'Icons of Style Dinner


Caroline de Maigret. Poto: Gambar Getty pikeun Michael Kors

Michael Kors hosted a dinner béntang-studded di London pikeun 'Ikon of Style'. Kolaborasi sareng Vanity Fair sareng Fashion & Cinema, acara 14 Mei dihadiran ku tamu ti dunya fashion sareng hiburan kalebet Kate Hudson, Uma Thurman, Clemence Poesy, Lily Donaldson sareng Poppy Delevingne. Tempo gaya béntang ti acara di handap nampilkeun sakabéh desain Kors.

Clemence Poesy. Poto: Gambar Getty pikeun Michael Kors

Florrie. Poto: Gambar Getty pikeun Michael Kors

Kate Hudson. Poto: Gambar Getty pikeun Michael Kors

Lily Donaldson. Poto: Gambar Getty pikeun Michael Kors

Malaika Firth. Poto: Gambar Getty pikeun Michael Kors

Poppy Delevingne. Poto: Gambar Getty pikeun Michael Kors

Uma Thurman. Poto: Gambar Getty pikeun Michael Kors

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