'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' LA Premiere Style: Lupita Nyong'o, Daisy Ridley + More



Panginten pilem anu paling diantisipasi taun ieu nyaéta 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens', sareng dina tanggal 14 Désémber, béntang pilem sareng selebriti sanésna angkat ka Hollywood pikeun ngahadiran perdana LA. Ti Lupita Nyong'o ka Daisy Ridley ka Elizabeth Banks, tingali sababaraha penampilan anu paling endah dina karpét beureum di handap.

Daisy Ridley dina pakéan Chloe bodas. Poto: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Elizabeth Banks ngagem gaun Elie Saab anu dicitak. Poto: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Gina Rodriguez ngagem gaun bodas sareng hideung. Poto: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Gwendoline Christie ngagem gaun Oscar de la Renta anu dramatis. Poto: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Lupita Nyong'o bersinar dina gaun Couture Alexandre Vauthier. Poto: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Sarah Hyland shimmers dina pakéan Kaufmanfranco. Poto: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Sofia Vergara kaluar dina pakéan Victoria Beckham saeutik hideung. Poto: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Zendaya milih baju haneut Michael Kors sareng rok anu dihias. Poto: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

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