Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson


Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Bumi -> Hanne - Edisi panganyarna tina Majalah Oyster ngagungkeun sagala hal dina internét kalayan carita panutup anu dibintanginya bintang gaya jalanan sareng modél Hanne Gaby Odiele. Gambar panutup, dipoto ku Will Davidson, didamel deui janten kolase digital anu nampilkeun memes internét. Kalayan arah kreatif sareng gaya ku Stevie Dance, kaéndahan Belgian olahraga asesoris téknologi sareng bentuk futuristik ti anu sapertos Balmain, Norma Kamali, Gucci sareng Blumarine.

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

Hanne Gaby Odiele Meunangkeun Digital pikeun Cover Shoot of Oyster #101 ku Will Davidson

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