Merethe Hopland ku Hans Neumann pikeun The Contributing Editor


Merethe Hopland ku Hans Neumann pikeun The Contributing Editor

Isu baju renang - Goyang mullet sareng caang usum panas, Merethe Hopland mangrupikeun glam retro dina carita blokir warna Hans Neumann anu dipoto pikeun The Contributing Editor. Dipasang ku Grace Koo dina campuran cetak grafis sareng baju luar anu hampang, Merethe disapu dina desain Missoni, Versace sareng Alexander Wang antara anu sanésna.

Editor Kontribusi: Masalah Swimsuit

Merethe Hopland ku Hans Neumann pikeun The Contributing Editor

Merethe Hopland ku Hans Neumann pikeun The Contributing Editor

Merethe Hopland ku Hans Neumann pikeun The Contributing Editor

Merethe Hopland ku Hans Neumann pikeun The Contributing Editor

Merethe Hopland ku Hans Neumann pikeun The Contributing Editor

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