Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang


Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Teu Hayang Tumuwuh - Fotografer David Mushegain of Trouble Management némbak modél busana Stella Maxwell sareng Barbara Palvin dina édisi Nopémber 2013 Vogue Jepang. Diasah ku stylist Aurora Sansone, darlings jalan ieu masihan penampilan edgy, eclectic sareng modern tina labél desainer pas pikeun putri hipster ayeuna. / Rambut ku Michael Leong, Makeup ku Zoe Clark

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

Barbara Palvin & Stella Maxwell Hit the Streets pikeun David Mushegain di Vogue Jepang

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