Christopher Kane x 'Beauty and the Beast' Koléksi Busana


Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast datang

Desainer Skotlandia Christopher Kane geus gawé bareng jeung Disney pikeun koleksi kapsul ekslusif diideuan ku 'Beauty and the Beast'. Reboot live-action pencét bioskop di akhir bulan ieu. Sadia ayeuna, garis ieu nampilkeun sauntuyan papakéan sareng asesoris kalayan bahan anu sumberna sacara étika. Ti kaos oblong anu dihias ku mawar dugi ka pakéan wol-campuran sareng kaos kaos grafis; gaya unik ieu bakal nangtung kaluar dina papakéan Anjeun. Parios sababaraha paporit kami tina kolaborasi di handap ieu, sareng balanja jalur di

Patali: Kolaborasi Uniqlo 'Beauty and the Beast' Nawiskeun Gaya Magis

Koléksi Christopher Kane x 'Beauty and the Beast'

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Swarovski Rose Cotton Sweatshirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty jeung Sato galak Sequin Rok

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Cotton and Silk Blend T-Shirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty jeung Sato Katun Sutra Pakéan

Christopher Kane x Beauty and the Beast Swarovski Rose Cotton T-Shirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty jeung Beast Satin Shirt

Christopher Kane x Beauty jeung Beast Jacquard Rok

Christopher Kane x Beauty jeung Sato Sudjiman Wol Blend Pakéan

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