Josephine le Tutour Sigana Nomadic Chic dina Edit The


Josephine le Tutour on The Edit 5. Januari 2017 panutup

Josephine le Tutour huluna ka ker hébat pikeun 5. Januari 2017 panutup The Edit ti Net-a-Porter . Dipoto ku Stefano Galuzzi , kaéndahan Perancis pasang aksi di suku pasir Siprus. Spotlighting gaya nomaden, Josephine nyaéta ratu bohemian ngagem sagalana ti capes mun knit sweaters. 22 taun heubeul shines dina nembak sun-drenched. Stylist Morgan Pilcher dresses Josephine dina desain Chloe, Isabel Marant, Vince tur leuwih. / Rambut ku Ali Pirzadeh, Makeup ku Mel Arter

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Redaksi: Josephine le Tutour dina 'Forever Wild' pikeun The Edit

Posing di luar, modél nganggo tanjung See by Chloe, baju renang Karla Colletto sareng sendal Joseph

Josephine le Tutour pose dina Joseph top sareng kolor Chloe

Josephine le Tutour Sigana Nomadic Chic dina Edit The

Posing sareng embe, Josephine le Tutour nganggo baju haneut Isabel Marant

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Nyokot trek, Josephine le Tutour maké tunik Totême jeung calana jeung sapatu Vince

Dipoto hideung bodas, modél maké jubah Joseph, calana Tibi, sapatu Vince jeung J.W. Anderson kongkorong

Josephine le Tutour Sigana Nomadic Chic dina Edit The

Josephine le Tutour Sigana Nomadic Chic dina Edit The

Josephine le Tutour Sigana Nomadic Chic dina Edit The

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