Nasty Gal Swimsuit 2016 Lookbook Toko


Kaos Olivia Newton John, Nasty Gal Alina Mix & Cocogkeun Bikini Bottom dina Baby Blue and Quay x Amanda Steele Muse Mirrored Aviator Sunglasses

Suhu bakal naek sateuacan anjeun terang, sareng anjeun siap pikeun usum baju renang? Kabeneran, Nasty Gal nyayogikeun sababaraha inspirasi sareng buku tampilan énggal anu disebut, 'Wet Hot American Summer'. The pangecér fashion nawarkeun nepi sababaraha baju renang serius seksi jeung 1980s, motong diideuan retro. Dipoto ku Zoey Grossman, modél Britt Maren pencét lapangan ténis dina campuran handap bikini luhur-naékna tur bieu aya swimsuit tops dina gambar sun-drenched.

Gal Nasty Dina Kedap Sisi Perban Swimsuit

Nasty Gal Minyak Slick Hologram Swimsuit

Nasty Gal Alina Mix & Match Bikini Top dina Beige sareng Nasty Gal Rippled Waters Mix & Match Bikini Bottoms

Baju renang nasty Gal Alina dina Baby Blue

Maén Kacamata Hitam Fair Square, Jaket Bomber Kekasih Gal Satin, Jaket Bomber Gal Satin, Dip It Low Mix & Cocog Bikini Top, Nasty Gal Rippled Waters Mix & Match Bikini Bottoms

Nasty Gal Goes Retro pikeun Swim '16 Lookbook

Nasty Gal Goes Retro pikeun Swim '16 Lookbook

Nasty Gal Goes Retro pikeun Swim '16 Lookbook

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