Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain


Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain

Berkah Indah - Sigrid Agren tetep low-konci dina penampilan haute couture tina koleksi musim semi-usum panas labél dina The Sunday Times Style. Fotografer Eric Guillemain (Manajemén 2b) motret modél Perancis-Swédia dina desain couture Atelier Versace, Giambattista Valli sareng Christian Dior Haute Couture diantarana anu digayakeun ku Lucy Ewing. / Rambut ku Joseph Puljate @ Atelier 68, Makeup ku Marie Duhard @ Atelier 68

Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain

Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain

Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain

Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain

Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain

Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain

Sigrid Agren Models Couture pikeun The Sunday Times Style ku Eric Guillemain

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