Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue


Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Nyanghareupan Caang - Beungeut anyar Paige Honeycutt ngadamel debutna dina gambar-gambar anu dibasahi ku panonpoé Matthew Priestley pikeun éksklusif panganyarna kami. Ngagem papakéan usum panas anu elegan anu digayakeun ku Diane Aiello, Paige pencét jalan-jalan kota dina campuran potongan-potongan ayeuna sareng vintage ti anu sapertos Akris, Yves Saint Laurent sareng Chanel. Kulit perunggu sareng rambut teu kaurus ku Aiello nyampurnakeun ensembles glam sareng regal kageulisan.

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Akris Pakéan Sutra Pleated dina Konéng sareng Tan Saks Kalima Avenue, Chanel Vintage pinggel Vintage ku Misty

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Akris Baju Renda Hideung Saks Kalima Avenue

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Vintage Yves Saint Laurent Hideung Halter Top Vintage ku Misty

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Vintage Regina Porterhouse Blus, Calana Nautical Vintage jeung Sorban Vintage Sadaya Vintage ku Misty

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Vintage Cream Carwash Pakéan Vintage ku Misty

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Trina Turk Pakéan Maxi Beureum Saks Kalima Avenue, Chanel Vintage Anting oray Vintage ku Misty

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Akris Tangerine na Caramel Warna pakéan sarta Tom Ford Kacamata hideung Saks Kalima Avenue, Vintage Givenchy anting Vintage ku Misty

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Vintage Cream Carwash Pakéan Vintage ku Misty, Christian Louboutin Beureum jeung Tan heels Saks Kalima Avenue

Paige Honeycutt ku Matthew Priestley dina 'Face the Light' pikeun Fashion Gone Rogue

Trina Turk Pakéan Maxi Beureum Saks Kalima Avenue, Chanel Vintage Anting oray Vintage ku Misty

Fotografer: Matthew Priestley

Stylist / kageulisan: Diane Aiello

model: Paige Honeycutt @ Agénsi Arizona

Asisten Fotografer: Geoffrey Volker

Asisten Stylist urang: Kristianne Young

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