Liya Kebede Soaks Up the Sun pikeun Grazia France ku Jason Kim


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Nangtukeun halaman tina Grazia France's Agustus 7, 2015, edisi, Liya Kebede soak panonpoe pikeun redaksi ieu difoto ku Jason Kim. Nganggo penampilan usum panas tina merek kalebet Chloe, Isabel Marant sareng The Row, Liya ngadamel kolam renang dina warna nétral sareng bodas anu dipilih ku stylist Laure Orset. Model juru bicara L'Oreal Paris nunjukkeun gaya rambut wavy sareng makeup wajah seger pikeun moto poto.

Patali: Liya Kebede Pose dina Outnet's Summer Edit

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