Tulisan #121

Elizabeth Olsen ELLE AS Amar Daved Poto Pantun

Elizabeth Olsen ELLE AS Amar Daved Poto Pantun
Di hareupeun lénsa tina Amar Daved (Defacto Inc), béntang 'WandaVision' Elizabeth Olsen poses pikeun ELLE US. Ditéwak di studio, aktris nyoba dina potongan...

Nicki Minaj ELLE AS Fendi 2019 Potrét

Nicki Minaj ELLE AS Fendi 2019 Potrét
Rapper Nicki Minaj ngadamel kolam renang pikeun ELLE US 'edisi Oktober 2019. Direbut ku Steven Klein , Manehna ageman dirina upcoming Fendi kolaborasi...

Lindsey Wixson ELLE AS Gaya Luar Pantun Editorial

Lindsey Wixson ELLE AS Gaya Luar Pantun Editorial
Lindsey Wixson nyandak perjalanan ka Tuscan, Italia, pikeun ELLE US 'edisi Séptémber 2019. Dipoto ku Cole Sprouse , manehna model lomari pinuh ku penampilan...

Candice Swanepoel ELLE Partéi AS Pakéan Pantun Editorial

Candice Swanepoel ELLE Partéi AS Pakéan Pantun Editorial
Candice Swanepoel ngagungkeun halaman ELLE US 'edisi Séptémber 2019. Dipoto ku Carin Backoff , Manehna penah dina pihak siap Sigana sampurna pikeun...

Estella Boersma ELLE AS ragrag Outerwear Pantun Editorial

Estella Boersma ELLE AS ragrag Outerwear Pantun Editorial
Estella Boersma ngumbara ka Islandia pikeun ELLE US 'edisi Juli 2019. Dipoto ku Cole Sprouse , manehna embraces a papakéan of layered tur fashion nuhun...

Angelina Jolie ELLE US 2019 Cover Photoshoot

Angelina Jolie ELLE US 2019 Cover Photoshoot
Angelina Jolie sadayana seuri dina panutup ELLE US Séptémber 2019. Dipoto ku Alexi Lubomirski , aktris nu ngagem pakéan Dior kalawan pinggel Cartier....

Karmen Pedaru ELLE AS Nighttime New York Fashion Editorial

Karmen Pedaru ELLE AS Nighttime New York Fashion Editorial
Karmen Pedaru pencét jalan-jalan di New York City peuting pikeun ELLE US 'edisi Séptémber 2019. Tukang poto Zoey Grossman ngarebut dirina dina ensembles...

Miley Cyrus ELLE AS 2019 Panutup Photoshoot

Miley Cyrus ELLE AS 2019 Panutup Photoshoot
Miley Cyrus ngagungkeun panutup ELLE US Agustus 2019. Direbut ku Mario Sorrenti , Manehna glitters dina cardigan Celine kalawan tights Wolford. Gambar...

Gal Gadot | Reebook | Janten Leuwih Manusa | Kampanye Iklan

Gal Gadot | Reebook | Janten Leuwih Manusa | Kampanye Iklan
Aktris 'Wonder Woman' Gal Gadot parantos nampi kontrak utama. Sneaker sareng merek baju aktif Reebok ngetok kaéndahan Israél pikeun kampanyena 'Be More...

Gal Gadot Nangkeup Chic Looks pikeun Glamour UK

Gal Gadot Nangkeup Chic Looks pikeun Glamour UK
Gal Gadot nampi dua panutup pikeun edisi Désémber 2017 Glamour UK. Anu mimiti, béntang 'Liga Kaadilan' ngagem baju haneut sareng sapatu pérak Saint...

Gal Gadot Stuns dina Kampanye Kacamata Anyar

Gal Gadot Stuns dina Kampanye Kacamata Anyar
Béntang 'Wonder Woman' Gal Gadot nganggo kacamata anu elegan dina kampanye panganyarna pikeun pangecér busana Israél Erroca . The brunette stunner pose...

Grace Elizabeth | Éditorial Pantun Glamorous | Poéan Front Baris Cover

Grace Elizabeth | Éditorial Pantun Glamorous | Poéan Front Baris Cover
Grace Elizabeth nampi panutup Pébruari 2018 The Daily Front Row. Di hareup lénsa tina Carin Backoff , nu brunette dazzles di inten bari maké jubah. Pikeun...