House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection


House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

Imibala yoMnyama -Ukulandela umboniso wevidiyo kwiveki ephelileyo, iNdlu yaseHolland iveze ingqokelela yayo yokuqala yokuchithela iiholide namhlanje ebonisa u-Eliza Cummings kwizibane zomnyama. Ukhuthazwe sisitayile se-'90s, umyili uHenry Holland wenza imigca, iintyatyambo kunye neprints zokakayi ukuze zibe nesiphumo esimnandi kodwa esinesavvy. Ukusuka kwi-asymmetrical cuts ukuya kwi-skirt ubude bomgangatho, intombazana ye-House of Holland ngumfazi wehlabathi jikelele.

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

House of Holland Resort 2012 Collection

Funda ngokugqithisileyo