Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection


Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Uptown/Downtown - Umyili we-Paule Ka uSerge Cajfinger udale iqoqo le-2013 ekwindla egxininise kwisitayela sedolophu kunye ne-uptown. Isiqwenga ngasinye sefashoni sidibanisa nelandelayo kwi-wardrobe edibeneyo yezinto eziyimfuneko. Isitayile sase-Uptown siseParisian chic ngokugqwesileyo kunye nempahla yangaphandle eyakhiweyo evuselela intshukumo kunye neesilhouette zayo ezinkulu. Idolophu ikhululekile ngakumbi; inika iziketi, iidyasi kunye neelokhwe ezidlala kwiimilo ezilungelelanisiweyo kunye nezobudoda. Iphalethi yombala omnyama nomhlophe, obomvu, i-vermillon, i-grey, eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka kunye ne-beige ithetha nomhlali wedolophu kwixesha lekwindla.

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Paule Ka Goes Uptown and Downtown for its Fall 2013 Collection

Funda ngokugqithisileyo