The Flower: Marthe Wiggers by Thom Kerr in Black Magazine


The Flower: Marthe Wiggers by Thom Kerr in Black Magazine

The Flower: Marthe Wiggers by Thom Kerr in Black Magazine

The Flower: Marthe Wiggers by Thom Kerr in Black Magazine

The Flower: Marthe Wiggers by Thom Kerr in Black Magazine

The Flower: Marthe Wiggers by Thom Kerr in Black Magazine

The Flower: Marthe Wiggers by Thom Kerr in Black Magazine

The Flower: Marthe Wiggers by Thom Kerr in Black Magazine

Black Magazine 第 23 期以 Marthe Wiggers 为封面故事,聚焦澳大利亚设计师。为 Thom Kerr 摆姿势,这位金发美女摆出一头充满曲折的异想天开的发型,头发上还插着鲜花。 Marthe 由时尚编辑 Sarah M Birchley 设计,穿着来自 Ellery、Toni Maticevski 等人的造型。
