Kelly Rohrbach ELLE Bulgaria Februwari 2016 Photoshoot


Kelly Rohrbach ku-ELLE Bulgaria Februwari 2016 ikhava

U-Kelly Rohrbach ushisa bhé ngekhava yangoFebhuwari 2016 ye-ELLE Bulgaria. Imodeli yaseMelika ime ngejakhethi yemoto enombala ukhilimu kanye nobhodisi weleyisi omhlophe wesithombe esithathwe uStefan Imielski. Ngaphakathi ephephabhukwini, ugqoke ngisho nangokwengeziwe ukubukeka kwezinyo lendlovu kusukela ku-lace rompers kuya kwezingubo ze-halter zentamo ezakhiwe nguGrace Maier. Mayelana nobuhle, umlungisi wezinwele uNadine Hermann udala amagagasi akhazimulayo kaKelly kuyilapho umdwebi wezimonyo uRenata Traupe enikeza udebe olucwebezelayo.

Kelly Rohrbach – ELLE Bulgaria

Imodeli ibukeka imhlophe kakhulu esicini se-sexy

ANENHLIZIYO EKHAYA: UKelly uyamamatheka ngenombolo emhlophe engasehlombe

I-PRETTY IN LACE: U-Kelly Rohrbach umile ngeleyisi ehlotshiswe phezulu ne-romper

UNKULUNKULU WOBUGrisi: UKelly Rohrbach ugqoke ingubo emnandi ene-halter neck top

BUYELA EBUMNYAMA: Ukushaqeka okumnyama kuletha imfihlakalo ngejakhethi yesikhumba kanye netop yeleyisi

U-Kelly Rohrbach - I-Star Wars: I-Force Awakens Premiere

DISEMBA 2015: U-Kelly Rohrbach uhambela umbukiso wokuqala wase-Los Angeles we-Star Wars: The Force Awakens egqoke ingubo encane eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Isithombe: Helga Esteb /

NgoDisemba, uKelly washaya ukhaphethi obomvu womdlalo wokuqala we-'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Los Angeles. O-blonde ukhethe ukugqoka ingubo encane enemibala eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka enemininingwane yokusika emaceleni. Njengoba uKelly ethatha indima ka-CJ Parker ekuqaliseni kabusha i-‘Baywatch’, siqinisekile ukuthi sizobona okuningi ngaye kukhaphethi obomvu kulo nyaka.

DISEMBA 2015: U-Kelly Rohrbach uhambela umbukiso wokuqala wase-Los Angeles we-Star Wars: The Force Awakens egqoke ingubo encane eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka. Isithombe: Helga Esteb /

U-Kelly Rohrbach - I-Golden Globe yeNkampani ye-Weinstein ka-2016 Ngemva Kwephathi

JANUARY 2016: U-Kelly Rohrbach uthamela Iphathi ye-Weinstein Company's 2016 Golden Globes Party egqoke ingubo ka-Dion Lee. Isithombe: CarlaVanWagoner /

U-Kelly Rohrbach uphinde wahambela i-2016 Weinstein Company's Golden Globes After Party ngoJanuwari. Imodeli ye-Sports Illustrated Swimsuit ibonise isitayela sayo futhi igqoke ingubo ka-Dion Lee, izithende zika-Giuseppe Zanotti nobucwebe obuklanywe nguPiaget.

JANUARY 2016: U-Kelly Rohrbach uthamela Iphathi ye-Weinstein Company's 2016 Golden Globes Party egqoke ingubo ka-Dion Lee. Isithombe: CarlaVanWagoner /

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